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Welcome to the ITU Global Programme on Child Online Protection. 

The rapid developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have increased the opportunities children have access to online, as well as the risks they are presented with.


We aim to implement the Child Online Protection Guidelines in all ITU Regions. This will be done through one global project and different satellite projects. ​​​​​​​The Global Project was developed in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is part of a strategic partnership, which was launched in December 2020 to "Create a Safe and Prosperous Cyberspace for Children".

The global programme will foster innovative policies, ensure upgrading of skills, promote global dialogue and strengthen global efforts to implement the ITU Child Online Protection Guidelines, launched in June 2020.

The Child Online Protection Guidelines are the product of the collaborative effort of 80 experts, from different sectors, including government stakeholders, international organisations, NGOs, academia, and the private sector.


The implementation of the 2020 Child Online Protection Guidelines aim to co-ordinate a global effort in ensuring that the rights of children online are being respected in all parts of the world. 


Learn more about our efforts to better protect and empower children online and join us on our journey.


Get an overview of our implementation programme of the Child Online Protection Guidelines.  

Project flyer


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For more details, have a look at our Project Flyer (as PDF) to discover more about the  activities to implement the Child Online Protection Guidelines and how you can contribute to the project.


Concept Note

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The concept note provides details about our efforts to support all relevant stakeholder groups in their efforts to better protect and empower children online, everywhere. You can download it here.

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Join us and become a Child Online Protection partner!

ITU works to protect and empower children online, everywhere. Across five Regions, we support relevant stakeholder to contribute to the protection of children’s rights in the digital environment. 

In order to create effective and targeted measures, ITU has been working in partnerships since the creation of the Child Online Protection initiative in 2009. Partnerships are essential to reach all target groups on the broad range of stakeholders relevant to child online protection. Our partners include governments, United Nations (UN) agencies, international nongovernmental organizations, academia, the private sector and other multilateral organizations. Together, we advocate for child online protection and empowerment, we support countries to develop adequate frameworks, and build capacity on child rights in the digital environment.  

The Child Online Protection initiative is open to new strategic partnerships to join forced for children online.


If you are interested in being a potential partner on the implementation of the Child Online Protection Guidelines, please contact us at  

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Timeline and Milestone: Global Programme  

  • Programme kick off and satellite projects in the six ITU regions. 

  • Awareness raising and campaigning on child online protection. 

  • Prototype game and an app for children. 

  • Capacity building programmes for government stakeholders. 

  • Adoption of national strategies and related frameworks on child online protection.

  • Validation of national implementation plans. 

  • Creation of national Child Taskforces. 

  • E-learning trainings for different target groups. 

  • Train the Trainers programme for social workers and representatives of the educational sector. 

  • Face-to-face training programmes for children

  • Newly established cooperative actions and channels. 

  • 10 global principles
    on child online protection. 


Work Stream 1:
Cyber Skills Development on Child Online Protection

The implementation of the 2020 Child Online Protection Guidelines aim to develop digital literacy skills related to child online protection on a global scale. Few countries worldwide have official resources, education and capacity building programmes on the topic that are accessible to all relevant stakeholders. However, in order to develop effective measures on child online protection, all relevant stakeholders including children, need to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to become digitally literate and resilient.  

ITU and partners support the development of tools and programmes to educate and empower a generation of children and young people, parents, carers and educators about the risks, potential harms and opportunities that the online environment offers, encouraging them to take action on child online protection.

Online Safety Course with Sango 

Watch the trailer and learn more

ITU, in partnership with ENI and Deloitte, is happy to present our Online Safety Course with Sango. Follow Sangophone, short Sango, the ITU child online protection mascot, through five different video lessons as he explores the world of child online safety!  

This course were designed with children and their needs at the forefront and cover various topics, touching on the most pressing issues children face today in the digital world. They are designed to equip children with the knowledge they need to feel empowered about their rights and responsibilities when they are online. The course was created in a child-friendly manner and is accessible in all six official UN languages, making each topic an easily accessible tool for many. 

Read all about the course and it's creating project on the MyITU News here

With one episode of the Online Safety Course with Sango per month starting from July 2021, each release will be composed of a video lesson for children and an accompanying power point for adults, explaining the content of the video lesson.


After season one of the Online Safety with Sango course, updated will follow on the release of phase two of the Online Safety Course with Sango, a consecutive training for children and young people on their rights online. 

Trainings banner

Training Modules 

In partnership with the National Cybersecurity Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ITU and partners launch a set of online self-paced trainings on child online protection, geared towards the following target groups:

parents, educators, policy-makers, and ICT industry professionals, and children themselves (aged 9-12,13-15, 16-18).

The online training for children (aged 9-12) is out! Enroll here.

The online training for children (aged 13-15) is out! Enroll here.

Online training for children aged 16 to 18 years old is out!  Enroll here.

Click here
to discover more about the trainings and our new releases: 
Our app and game for children

Trainings for parents, educators and policymakers are accessible now on the ITU Academy here.


Read more about each course below 

Stay tuned looking out for new trainings coming soon!

Access ITU’s tools on Child Online Protection on the ITU Academy! 

Child Online Protection for Parents and Carers (introductory)

This course is designed to create awareness among parents, guardians and caregivers about various child online engagements, their risks and benefits and help you to create a safer and more beneficial online family experience for your child at home.       

Learning Objectives:
  • understand the importance of awareness about children's online engagements;

  • recognize children's rights on the Internet;

  • be aware of online risks and harm associated with the internet, and children's reactions to being exposed to them;

  • know how to create safe environments for children;

  • be familiar with the ways to help children at risk, offer your support to those harmed, and useful resources.


Child Online Protection for Parents and Carers (intermediate)


This course is designed to educate parents/caregivers/guardians on their role as social support in helping their children who might have encountered online harm.

Learning Objectives:
  • be able to recognize signs of child online exploitation;

  • know to avoid victimizing children who were sexually exploited;

  • understand the types of online risks and harm associated with the internet, and how children will react to such situations;

  • be able to perform immediate actions to help children subjected to online violence;

  • be familiar with the resources for further advice and support.

Child Online Protection for Academic and Non-Academic Staff (introductory):

Now available in French and Spanish !

This course is designed to create awareness among educators, teachers, youth workers, and youth organizations on the protection and rights of children online. The course is aimed to help educators create a safer online school experience for their students.

Learning Objectives:

  • understand online circumstances that can put children at risk of being harmed;

  • Identify risks for children while they explore the online world such as mis/disinformation, cyberbullying, online radicalization, screen time, and  inappropriate content;

  • know which safety measures should be implemented at school and classroom levels to mitigate online risks;

  • know how to properly respond and report if children were harmed online;

  • be familiar with additional resources to get further support;


Child Online Protection for Social Workers, Academic and Non-Academic Staff (Intermediate)

Now available in French and Spanish !


This course is designed to help educators better understand the risks related to Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (further - OCSEA), and how the educational environments can be used to prevent children from harm associated with OCSEA.

Learning Objectives:

  • understand the role of educators in child online protection;

  • be familiar with the 4C's classification of online risks;

  • be able to identify different types of OCSEA and understand how they happen;

  • know how to respond to the harmful online incidents and report them;


Child Online Protection for Policymakers  

Now available in French!


This course is designed to help policy makers know more about child online behaviors, threats and risks associated with cyberspace, and support them in the development national policies and strategies in line with current global trends, that are holistic, inclusive, multi-sectoral and evidence based.

Learning Objectives:

  • know more about  children’s use of the Internet and their rights;

  • learn how technologies impact children , risks and harms online;

  • Learn about the principles of Safety by Design for policy making on child online protection;

  • learn about the different global and regional  frameworks on Child Online Protection;

  • synthesize the elements from the global frameworks to apply in the local context;

  • familiarise with the global actors involved in protection of children online;

  • develop a  multi stakeholder coordinated national child online protection strategy and prepare national policies, especially adapting to emerging trends on ICTs.;

  • learn about coordination process between different line ministries and national stakeholders on Child Online Protection, including introduction to child participation frameworks, especially related to policy making;

  • learn more about the core child protective services that play a critical role in Child Online Protection.

Child Online Protection for ICT Industry 


This e-learning package for industry, developed by ITU and UNICEF, includes four modules spanning foundational child rights and business issues and knowledge on the digital environment. If your company develops or deploys digital technologies, these modules will support you to better understand how child rights intersect with your company’s responsibilities, potential risks and harms for children to think about in your daily operations, and ideas of where to go next on your child rights journey.

This training is primarily targeted at personnel (cross-functional) of businesses that engage in digital activities, including technology companies. 

It can also be valuable for business advisers and consultants focused on social impacts or human rights; and child online protection practitioners engaging with industry on child rights impacts.


We warmly invite you to use these modules to support your and colleagues’ understanding of child rights issues, and to build confidence to engage in targeting problems and developing solutions with your peers and other relevant stakeholders. Happy learning!

Learning objectives:

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:  

  • Describe the core frameworks underpinning child rights and responsible business conduct; 

  • List the types of online risks and harms that children encounter in the digital environment; 

  • Discuss the issue of online child sexual exploitation and abuse and how it relates to digital business activities; 

  • Recognize  opportunities to positively support children’s rights and well-being through business actions; 

  • Identify actions that your business can take to better integrate child rights across digital policies and practices. 





Work Stream 2:
Child Online Protection Policy Support

The implementation of the 2020 Child Online Protection Guidelines aims to aid member states in developing child online protection strategies, policies, legislations and regulations based on internationally recognised recommendations. Few countries worldwide have sufficient child online protection policies to ensure a holistic framework for child online safety. 

ITU supports member states in developing effective policies and frameworks based on the 2020 Child Online Protection Guidelines, coordinating an international response to the risks children face online through policy creation and implementation. 

Regional Launches

2020 saw the official launch of the Child Online Protection Guidelines within the six different regions represented by the UN: the Americas, Africa, the CIS region, Asia and the Pacific, the Arab region, and Europe. The launching events saw the release of the Child Online Protection Guidelines in the six UN working languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. At the events, different stakeholders shared best practices and implementation plans of the Child Online Protection Guidelines. 

The 2020 Child Online Protection Guidelines are a tool which can be implemented at the international level, acting as a blueprint which can be adapted in a way this is constituent with national or local customs and laws. 


View the infographics on the status quo of child online protection at the global and regional level in selected national contexts. 


Child Online Protection, an ITU initiative

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International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

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